Charcot–Marie–Tooths sygdom

Version fra 8. sep 2013, 14:38 af Admin (diskussion | bidrag) Admin (diskussion | bidrag)
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CMT, neuropati, Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease, Charcot–Marie–Tooth neuropathy, hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy (HMSN), peroneal muscular atrophy (PMA)


Arvelig lidelse der rammer PNS med progressivt tab af muskelvæv og følesans




Begynder som regel i den tidlige voksenalder men kan vente til 30-40 års alderen. Første symptom er som regel dropfod.


Duplikation af en stor region på den korte arm af kromosom 17 (75% af CMT) som indeholder genet PMP22.


Clinical categories

Type Name Incidence Notes
CMT1 Demyelinating type Affects approximately 30% of CMT patients Causes severe demyelination, thereby impairing nerve conduction velocity.
CMT2 Axonal type Affects approximately 20–40% of CMT patients Mainly affects axons. Tends to affect lower extremities more than upper extremities. Clinical symptoms are often less severe than in CMT1. As it is an axonopathy, average nerve conduction velocity is usually not affected (sometimes slightly below normal but mostly above 38 m/s).
CMT3 Dejerine-Sottas disease Very rare Does not impair nerve conduction velocity.
CMT4 Spinal type
CMT5 Pyramidal type
CMTDI Dominant intermediate type
CMTRI Recessive intermediate type
CMTX X-linked type Affects approximately 10–20% of CMT patients This type encompasses all CMT forms that are inherited in an X-linked manner. Average NCV: 25–40 m/s.


Charcot-marie-tooth foot.jpg